Energy Storage Auxiliary Service for Renewable Energy
To applicate the energy storage technology at renewable energy station, exactly resolve the problems of abandoning solar and wind energy, and promote the utilization of renewable energy. Besides, smoothing the electricity fluctuation, executing “Peak Load Cutting” and adjusting frequency and voltage are the important means to realize the renewable energy that is connected to the grid on a large scale.

  • It is not only used to resolve the limitation and development of renewable energy but also provide auxiliary services for grid, such as adjusting frequency and peak load, Peak Load Cutting, etc.
  • For the convenience of controlling the operation, the stations of renewable energy generating and energy storing are constructed separately with less connection.  
  • The energy storage station is constructed independently, it could be the generating station for adjusting frequency and peak load as well as peak load cutting when the limitation of renewable energy station has been removed.

Energy Storage Auxiliary Service for Renewable Energy